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American Airlines: 4 new destinations in North America departing from L.A.

Starting next Octobre 2nd

American Airlines will launch flights to Edmonton, San Antonio, Tampa, and Vancouver leaving from Los Angeles, starting next October 2nd. Reservations are now open and running.

Rédigé par Editorial Board translated by Joséphine Foucher le Samedi 28 Juin 2014

American Airlines is launching new flights leaving for the Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) to Edmonton, Alberta, running daily starting October 2nd; San Antonio, running twice a day starting October 2nd; Tampa, Florida, running daily starting November 6th and Vancouver, British-Colombia, running twice a day starting October 2nd.

These flights opened for reservation on June 21st 2014.

These connections between LAX and Edmonton, San Antonio and Vancouver will be operated by US Airways Express with a RJ-900 Bombardier aircraft designed with 2 classes.

The new link between LAX and Tampa will be operated by American Airlines with a Boeing 737-800 designed with two classes also.

With these new markets, the company will serve 53 domestic and international destinations leaving from its LAX hub.

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