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Cruises: France is seeing strongest growth on the European market

the figures revealed by the CLIA

With a total of 593 000 passengers, the French cruise market is increasing by 13.7% and is taking the spot as the fourth European market behind Germany, UK/Ireland, and Italy, according to figures released by CLIA France. The European market makes up a total of 6.4 million passengers (+0,5%).

Rédigé par Jean-Baptiste Héguy translated by Joséphine Foucher le Dimanche 22 Mars 2015

Antoine Lacarrière, Executive Director of Croisières de France, Cédric Rivoire-Perrochat, Executive Director of CLIA France and Georges Azouze, Président of CLIA France and President-Executive Director of Costa Croisières France. - photo JBH
Antoine Lacarrière, Executive Director of Croisières de France, Cédric Rivoire-Perrochat, Executive Director of CLIA France and Georges Azouze, Président of CLIA France and President-Executive Director of Costa Croisières France. - photo JBH
The French love cruises more and more.

According to the figures communicated this Wednesday March 18th, 2015, by CLIA (Cruise Lines International Association) France, that replaced the AFCC since December 2013, the French market has reached, in 2014, a total of 593,000 passengers, a strong growth of 13.7% compared to 2013.

“With close to 70,000 additional passengers, this great increase proves that the cruising sector has become normalized amongst French travelers as its own vacation destination,” explains Georges Azouze, President of CLIA France.

“After taking the spot of Spain as the fourth European market, France confirms a powerful trend that should be maintained in the years to comes,” specifies Georges Azouze.

Note that this growth is also due to the increase of capacities that has experienced the market last year (particularly with the arrival of the Zénith, the second ship of Croisières de France, and the annual positioning of Costa Diadema in Marseille), and that the current year should see another increase of capacities by 11%.

According to projections by CLIA France, the French market could reach close to 800,000 passengers around 2017.

Last year, the Mediterranean represented 63%

"Another indicator of the greatest maturity of the French market is the trend towards a diversification of destinations.

In fact, even though it is still major, last year the Mediterranean accounted for 63% of all passengers, whereas it represented 69% in 2013. Inversely, the Caribbean has regained market shares in 2014 (17% versus 14% the previous years), along with Northern Europe, (10% versus 8% the previous years)”
, specifies Cédric Rivoire-Perrochat, Executive Director at CLIA France.

“If we compare the penetration rates of cruises on the French market, close to 0.9%, compared to that of Germany (1.7%), or the United States (3.7%) there is still potential for France,” explains Georges Azouze.

Equally, the economic gains of around 1 billion dollars for France, should be compared to 4.5 billion for Italy, 37.5 billion dollars for all of Europe and 44 billion for the United States.

Cruises celebrate the arrival of Spring

For the first time, the operation “Croisières en Fête” (“Festive Cruises” - translator’s note) offers two sessions, one in Spring (from March 23rd-30th and the other in the Fall (October 5-12.)

For its ninth edition, the former “the longest cruise day,” renamed «Croisières en fête» is truly gaining momentum.

In fact, the 2015 year will see, for the first time, the establishment of two week-long sessions, next March 23 through 30th, and October 5 - 12, right after the IFTM Top Resa trade fair. 1,000 travel agencies will wear the colors of the cruising sector, with the participation of 16 river and maritime companies that will offer various exclusive offers for this occasion.

Visit the website dedicated to the operation:

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