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Ecuador : yellow alert in the Ecuadorian provinces of Cotopaxi

Maria del Pilar Cornejo, Secretary of Risk Management of Ecuador, announced on August 14, that the Government has declared a yellow alert in the Ecuadorian provinces of Cotopaxi, Tungurahua and Pichincha, as a result of emissions of ash from the volcano which occurred in the course of the last few hours. Likewise, President Rafael Correa, during the weekly report on Saturday, August 15, advised the public to remain calm and to keep themselves informed using the only official channel, which in this case is the Ministry of Security Coordination with its spokesperson, Minister Cesar Navas.

Rédigé par le Mercredi 19 Août 2015

One of de most dangerous volcanos in the world /dr
One of de most dangerous volcanos in the world /dr
rs. Cornejo suggested the public start up the contingency planning in direct coordination with the Emerging Committees of Operation of provinces involved.

She also reported that entry to the Cotopaxi National Park and the National Area of Recreation El Boliche is suspended, because of the ash fall. She added that tourists who were in the Cotopaxi National Park had already been evacuated safely.

Due to this alert, the Ministry of Tourism calls tourists and tour operators to remain alert to guidelines and recommendations provided by the Ministry of Security Coordination.

Cotopaxi one of the most monitored volcanoes

The Cotopaxi Volcano is one of the most monitored volcanoes in Ecuador, for which available resources has been allocated. In fact, the first permanent seismic station dedicated to monitoring a volcano in South America was installed on Cotopaxi, in 1976.

Since 1986, the monitoring has been permanent and currently consists of an extensive network, which ensures proper monitoring of the volcano.

The volcano is located in the southern Andes, at a distance of 60.4 km from the city of Latacunga; 83.7 km from Quito; 386.4km from Guayaquil; 433.4km from Cuenca and 1,538.4km from the Galapagos Islands.

Local airports are open and operating normally, except for Latacunga’s airport. Tourism activities are normal in the rest of the country as well as National Parks, such as: Cayambe Coca, Galapagos, Llanganates, Machalilla, Podocarpus, Sangay, Sumaco, Yasuni, Yacuri and Cajas.

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