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Expo Milano 2015 is expecting 20 million visitors, including 1 million French!

Opening on May 31st, 2015

After Shanghai, before Dubai, and maybe Paris in 2025, Milano is preparing to welcome the entire world. 20 million visitors, including 1 million French people, are expected at the next World Expo that will take place in Italy from May 1st to October 31st 2015 around this crucial theme “Nourishing the planet, Energy for life.”

Rédigé par Michèle SANI translated by Joséphine Foucher le Mardi 20 Janvier 2015

On the four cardinal point will be positioned the principal iconic elements: the Mediterranean Hill, the Open Air Theater, the Arena Lake, and Center Expo, all reference points that will orient visitors and will host the main events of the exhibit - Photo Lac Arena Expo Milano 2015
On the four cardinal point will be positioned the principal iconic elements: the Mediterranean Hill, the Open Air Theater, the Arena Lake, and Center Expo, all reference points that will orient visitors and will host the main events of the exhibit - Photo Lac Arena Expo Milano 2015
The Milano Exhibit 2015 is the largest collective conference ever created on the themes of food supply.

Exhibitors, partners, and visitor will attempt to offer new solutions to this universal expectation around nutrition for all peoples of the world.

Through spaces and thematic itineraries, by stimulating the conscience and participation of its visitors towards healthier, safer, more ecological, social and sustainable eating, the Expo Milano 2015 has the ambition of providing a unique experience.

Innovation, saving energy, respecting the environment and judicious management of water (of which close to 800 million people still have no access) are the key words of this unique meeting.

An area of 1 million square meters just 30 minutes from the Dome Plaza

A space of 1 million square meters conceived like an ancient Roman city, bordered by a canal and crossed by a central axis of 1.5km, a true “World Avenue” - Photo DR Expo Milano 2015
A space of 1 million square meters conceived like an ancient Roman city, bordered by a canal and crossed by a central axis of 1.5km, a true “World Avenue” - Photo DR Expo Milano 2015
147 countries and various international organizations will occupy during 184 days this monumental site of one million meters squared, built like an ancient Roman city, bordered by a canal and crossed by a central axis of 1.5km, a true “World Avenue”.

Large furnished tents on the aisles will enable visitors to shield themselves from the rain and sun.

On the four cardinal point will be positioned the principal iconic elements: the Mediterranean Hill, the Open Air Theater, the Arena Lake, and Center Expo, all reference points that will orient visitors and will host the main events of the exhibit.

One of the highlights will be a performance by the Cirque du Soleil.

Expo Milan 2015 chose it to create a conceptual show that is both unique and militant. Through Allavita, the Cirque du Soleil will unite around fifty Italian and international artists to celebrate all the elements associated to food.

The show will take place every evening in the spectacular Open Air Theater located within the premises of the exhibit. (From May 6th through August 23rd, 2015.)

The site chosen for the Expo Milano 2015 is within the metropolitan area of Milano in the North-Western zone of the city, a half hour from the Dome Plaza.

It’s at the heart of all the Milanese transport system, at the cross-road of highways axis in the North and it directly served by a stop of the metro line and by a train station. It’s only twenty minutes away from the Malpensa airport.

Outside of France, that should open its sales in the days to come, 5 million tickets have already been sold.

5B, France’s primary authorized reseller and 4 “pros” on the French market

The company 5B was chosen by Expo Milano 2015 as the primary authorized reseller in France for the resell of tickets.

Founded in 2012, the company mixes three activities: Event, Advising, and Design. It is also in charge of promotion and marketing of the event on the French market.

A specific sales system has been established. Dedicated to the information of the public, the planning of customized trips and the purchase of tickets, it can be contacted through its call center: 0899 108 108.

The system is also reachable on its website and a production unit for customized trips aimed at schools and companies.

5B has linked up with 4 specialized players

Meet & Com is in charge of promoting the event to professionals of business tourism.

Meet & Com is getting ready to meet business tourism professionals with a “road show” throughout France. It will represent, in fact, Expo Milano 2015 in major national trade shows.

For Expo Milano 2015, the Djoca Travel group is deploying its new device to sell trips to companies and individuals by basing itself from an online reservation system of hotels and transports allowing to access the best market conditions.

The third partner, Novo Travel, enhances its 25 year experience in trips specialized in cultural, athletic, and festive events along with entertainment activities.

For the Expo Milano 2015, Novo Travel offers stays that are accessible to all: “Express” packages that include the bus ride and visit of the World Expo or week-end packages in 3 star hotels or without transport included. (Starting at €99 for the “Express” package with the bus ride (A/R) leaving from regions in France and the entrance ticket.

5B has called on the services of Envol Espace for students, this travel agency is specialized in the creation of cultural trip for institutions.

Located in Caen, it organizes trips for first graders or universities, in all of France’s regions. Italy is one of its main destinations.

1000 visitors/hour are expected at France’s Pavillon

France’s Pavillon has a surface of 3,600 m2 of which 1,100 m2 are set with a modern café, a boutique, and bakery. 1,000 visitors per hour are expected - Photo DR Expo Milano 2015
France’s Pavillon has a surface of 3,600 m2 of which 1,100 m2 are set with a modern café, a boutique, and bakery. 1,000 visitors per hour are expected - Photo DR Expo Milano 2015
Around the theme “Producing and feeing differently” France’s presence at the World Expo of Milano 2015 materializes through a building looking like a specific territory made out of wood from Jura showing a reserved landscape.

This pavillon built on two levels, symbolizing the halls seen everywhere in France, these halls will be places of exchange but also production. It will put forward French agriculture, fishing, aquaculture, and food processing.

Innovative, easy to assemble and disassemble, of low energy consumption, it has a surface of 3,600 m2 of which 1,100 m2 are set with a modern café, a boutique, and bakery. 1,000 visitors per hour are expected.

5,000 official delegations are expected during the 184 days of the exhibit. The 20 million euros of public investments are spread amongst 7 ministries working for the event.

Expo Milano 2015 in numbers

Public investments for the event: 1.3 billion euros
Contribution of the private sector: 0.3 billion euros
Investments of official participants: close to 1 billion euros (600 million for infrastructures; 400 for management services)
Earnings: close to 1 billion euros estimated
Sponsoring and partnerships: 350 million euros
Ticket sales: close to 500 million euros (24 million tickets expected to be sold)
Benefits for Italian tourism: close to 5 billion euros
Employment: more than 60,000 people employed directly or indirectly in the 2015 event
Outside of France, 5 million tickets have already been sold.

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