On Monday February 22, 2016, France Tourisme announced the purchase of Vedettes du Pont Neuf, according to Les Echos.
An operation for which the group specialized in touristic visits and excursions enjoys the support of Bpifrance.
In a statement, the company explains that the revenues of this new entity now surpass 20 million euros. It has the goal of doubling this number between now and 2020 through the launch of new products.
Vedettes du Pont Neuf is a family group that gathers 6 companies from the cruising sector. It has a fleet of 12 boats and takes 800,000 people on trips annually.
France Tourisme rachète le groupe des Vedettes du Pont Neuf
An operation for which the group specialized in touristic visits and excursions enjoys the support of Bpifrance.
In a statement, the company explains that the revenues of this new entity now surpass 20 million euros. It has the goal of doubling this number between now and 2020 through the launch of new products.
Vedettes du Pont Neuf is a family group that gathers 6 companies from the cruising sector. It has a fleet of 12 boats and takes 800,000 people on trips annually.
France Tourisme rachète le groupe des Vedettes du Pont Neuf
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