Hotel prices are currently dropping in France.
According to the Barometer Hotel Info, a hotel night in Paris currently costs, on average, €118.53 or 8.20% less than during the same period in 2015.
The drop is the highest in Marseille: -21,28% for €79.20. Followed by Lille: -16.32% at €95.30. In Nice, the comparator records a drop of 14.85%. In Toulouse, prices decreased by 10.02% in March 2016 (€87.69.) As for Lyon, the second most expensive city in France, prices decreased by 4.22% compared to March 2015.
In this context, one city stands out: Bordeaux, where the hotel prices increased by 10.04% in one year (€82.99.) They are also on a slight rise in Nantes: +0.85% at €82.08.
Chute libre pour les tarifs hôteliers en France en mars 2016
According to the Barometer Hotel Info, a hotel night in Paris currently costs, on average, €118.53 or 8.20% less than during the same period in 2015.
The drop is the highest in Marseille: -21,28% for €79.20. Followed by Lille: -16.32% at €95.30. In Nice, the comparator records a drop of 14.85%. In Toulouse, prices decreased by 10.02% in March 2016 (€87.69.) As for Lyon, the second most expensive city in France, prices decreased by 4.22% compared to March 2015.
In this context, one city stands out: Bordeaux, where the hotel prices increased by 10.04% in one year (€82.99.) They are also on a slight rise in Nantes: +0.85% at €82.08.
Chute libre pour les tarifs hôteliers en France en mars 2016

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