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ITB Experts Forum : The Wellness set to grow another 55% to $678.5 billion by 2017

Europe is responsible for 39% of all wellness tourism trips

Susie Ellis will discuss findings of The Global Wellness Tourism Economy report and share new European wellness tourism market-size data and projected growth during ITB Experts Forum on Wellness. The wellness wellness tourism is already a $439 billion market, and set to grow another 55% to $678.5 billion by 2017.

Rédigé par le Vendredi 28 Février 2014

Susie Ellis, Chairman & CEO of the Global Wellness Tourism Congress (GWTC), has been asked to speak during the ITB Experts Forum on Wellness at the ITB Berlin Conference, on March 6th, 2014 at 1:45-2:25, at the Berlin Exhibition Grounds, Hall 7.1c, Auditorium Paris, Berlin, Germany.

Ellis will present highlights from the GWTC-commissioned report: “The Global Wellness Tourism Economy.”

The landmark research, conducted by SRI International, represents the first time that this fast-growing travel market was sized and analyzed, finding that wellness tourism is already a $439 billion market, and set to grow another 55% to $678.5 billion by 2017.

In addition to topline global findings, Ellis will present for the first time key findings on the European market Highlights from the European wellness tourism data Ellis will present:

- Europe leads the world in the number of wellness tourism trips taken annually (domestic and international combined) - at 202.7 million.
- Europe is responsible for 39% of all wellness tourism trips taken globally each year.

Six of the top 10 nations for annual wellness tourism expenditures (domestic and international combined) are in Europe (Germany, France, Austria, UK, Italy and Switzerland).

Germany ranks first among European nations for total wellness tourism trips and expenditures: with 49.3 million trips and $42.2 billion USD (30.72 € billion) in receipts annually - representing nearly 1 in 10 of all wellness tourism dollars/euros spent worldwide each year.

France ranks second with 27.3 million trips and $24.1 billion (17.5 € billion) in expenditures, followed by Austria with 11.3 million trips and $14 billion (10.2 € billion) in expenditures.

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