Marineland will offer more educative shows. Photo : Christophe Giraudeau
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Closed since the major flooding that affected the French Riviera in October 2015, Marineland should reopen to the public in March 2016, according to 20Minutes.
And for its rebirth, the park is preparing to revamp its offer. Its shows will be conceived differently and provide a more educational approach.
Marineland should now offer the possibility of meeting more of the animal caretakers and will produce less flashy shows and entertainment activities.
A new Executive Director should soon be nominated to take on the implementation of these changes.
As for now, construction work is ongoing.
Marineland : la réouverture est prévue pour mars 2016
And for its rebirth, the park is preparing to revamp its offer. Its shows will be conceived differently and provide a more educational approach.
Marineland should now offer the possibility of meeting more of the animal caretakers and will produce less flashy shows and entertainment activities.
A new Executive Director should soon be nominated to take on the implementation of these changes.
As for now, construction work is ongoing.
Marineland : la réouverture est prévue pour mars 2016