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PXCom: tourism guides onboard airplanes

A new digital and interactive solution

The startup from Bordeaux, PXCom, developed onboard applications that provide passengers with multimedia contents regarding their travel destination. These technologies can be adapted to any mode of transportation. They may just be the future of entertainment onboard different types of transportation.

Rédigé par Johanna Gutkind translated by Joséphine Foucher le Mardi 25 Août 2015

PXCom offers touristic guides onboard airplanes - Credit Thinkstock
PXCom offers touristic guides onboard airplanes - Credit Thinkstock
While the smartphone has become an integral search engine to organize a stay, more and more passengers are planning their outings and other visits during their flight.

However, as of today, long-haul flights with individual screens only offer films, music, and games.

The startup from Bordeaux, PXCom, founded in 2013, offers to transform entertainment systems on planes, trains, coaches…into a single media.

It hopes to improve the “passenger experience” via a touch-screen, interactive, and fun media thanks to Inflight Entertainment (IFE.)

Thus, passengers will have the opportunity to view all of the points of interest (museums, monuments, restaurants, boutiques, or amusement parks) of their destination, but also in other cities of the world.

“The application PXPoint is an interactive map that enables travelers to zoom in on points of interest, read a description, scroll through photos, find the address, or flash the place’s QR code,” specifies Alexandre Vendé, founder of the blog BonsPlansVoyageNewYork and who tested the application.

A tool for tourism professionals

Cyril Jean, CEO of PXCom - credit PXCom
Cyril Jean, CEO of PXCom - credit PXCom
In some cases, passengers will even be able to reserve straight from their seat, no-queueing tickets, city passes, etc.

“In turn, tourism players in the destination will have access to a communication space aimed at a captive population eager to consume upon arrival,” adds Cyril Jean, CEO of PXCom.

Transportation companies first need to purchase a multimedia guide created by PXCom that is backed by partnerships with editors (Lonely Planet, Michelin, Arrival Guides, Insight Guides…).

In exchange, PXCom, thanks to its international network of local managements, can market this new space to advertisers on the targeted destinations.

What is the cost to be featured in the application?

“Starting at €5,000 annually, a tourism player can promote its activity, specifies Cyril Jean.

The market is intrinsically global. Currently, there are around 3.7 billion airplane passengers, in 2020 this number will have doubled.”

A fundraiser will allow for large-scale marketing with the commissioning of the full multimedia application on three initial airline companies between September and December 2015.

To be continued…

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Tags : startup

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