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Perform Air France: SNPL negotiates, the CGT, Unsa, and FO call for strike action

The ruling on the Transform plan will be given on October 16

While waiting for the legal decision on the closure of the Transform Plan, the SNPL will meet with the company’s management to discuss the first measures of the Perform plan. But social tensions are very high within the the company and the ground crew Unions issued a strike notice for October 5th.

Rédigé par Laury-Anne CHOLEZ translated by Joséphine Foucher le Dimanche 20 Septembre 2015

The leaflet calling Air France’s ground crew to strike.
The leaflet calling Air France’s ground crew to strike.
Ending the Transform 2015 is no easy task.

Indeed, the ruling on the battle between SNPL and the company on the establishment of cost-saving measures will be given next October 16th. had already reported on the pleadings of the first trial, last June, that ended in a dismissal with the court declining jurisdiction.

This time around, Air France’s lawyer tried to request a shorter timeframe, making the argument that there will be an important workers' council on October 5th.

But nothing could influence the judge’s position.

Strike notice for October 5th

October 5th is the exact day that the ground crew unions, CGT, FO, and Unsa, chose to issue a strike notice.

On their end, pilots refuse to get into the conflict without, however, giving in to the management’s conditions.

“We had several meetings between unions with personnel from other categories. We want to fight together against the network’s attrition,” explains Philippe Evain, President of the Air France Alpa SNPL.

Especially after a report conducted by the firm SECAFI firm, commissioned by the company, concludes that the removal of the 10 least profitable lines in 2014 would have no significant impact on deficits, since these flights cover their variable costs along with a portion of the fixed costs.

While waiting for the court’s decision, the representatives of the SNPL will still meet with the management board on Friday September 18th in order to talk about the new measures of the Perform 2020 plan.

The SNPL agrees to make productivity efforts

“We are waiting for specific details because, for now, we were only given vague indicators,” ensures Philippe Evain.

However, on Air France’s side, the strategy seems clear.

If the representatives of the personnel agree to the requested productivity efforts, the company promises to “open new long-haul lines after the streamlining of the network and fleet, to take in Boeings 787 in 2016 under conditions that will enable a re-conquest of the market, and to stabilize the medium-haul offer,” according to a statement acquired by La Tribune.

Otherwise, the management will proceed to a network attrition through a 10% reduction of the long-haul offer, will postpone the integration of the B787, and will let go of at least 3,000 people.

A solution that, clearly, does not please the Unions, the SNPL first. “We are ready to make productivity efforts, but without growth there is no point,” exclaims Philippe Evain.

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