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Reunion Island: Chinese and Indian tourists exempt from needing a visa

A new ministerial order

After South Africa, Chinese and Indian tourists can now visit the Reunion Island without needing a tourist visa.

Rédigé par The Editors translated by Joséphine Foucher le Dimanche 13 Juillet 2014

On June 27th, 2014, a ministerial order expanded the list of countries for whom passport owners will be exempted from needing a visa to visit the Reunion Island.

Now, Chinese and Indian clients can go on tourist trips to the island “for a stay less than fifteen days, and must organize their trip through an accredited travel agency,” states the piece of legislation.

The association of the Vanilla island rejoices over this measure, in a press release, it thanks “the French government for this decision” and “the senator Jacqueline Farreyol who was the backbone of this success.”

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