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Ryanair: the low-cost will leave France since it doesn’t like it

the Irish low-cost is turning to more flexible European countries

Ryanair is pursuing its growth in Europe, but is leaving France a bit, since it views the country as not well prepared for low-costs. The Irish company also hopes to develop new lines in the main airports and why not offer connections with other traditional companies.

Rédigé par Laury-Anne CHOLEZ translated by Joséphine Foucher le Vendredi 5 Juin 2015

Ryanair could offer connections to its passengers in partnership with other traditional companies. DR
Ryanair could offer connections to its passengers in partnership with other traditional companies. DR
Ryanair is certainly not a francophile.

During its participation at the CONNECT trade fair, Kenny Jacobs, the new Marketing Director, detailed the company’s plans of growth in various European countries by omitting France.

“If it were easier to make business in France, we would be more on the offensive. But we must admit that the country is not very open to low-cost companies,” notes Kenny Jacobs.

In fact, according to the analysts of Anna Aero, no French airport can be found in the top 15 of Ryanair’s largest growths this summer.

The Irish company prefers looking towards Italy (where it takes advantage of the weakness of Alitalia), Germany (where it hopes to grow from 15 to 20% in Berlin), Greece (where it is experiencing a growth of 20% with 6 million passengers) or even Portugal (progressing by 25%.)

Despite that, Kenny Jacobs confirms the advancements of negotiations for his yellow and blue Boeings to land on the tarmac of Charles de Gaulle.

Will Ryanair soon form partnerships with traditional companies?

These negotiations prove once again the extent to which the Irish company matured. It has even become “approachable.”

“Some had promised themselves to never work with us. We must think they’ve changed their minds” smiles Kenny Jacobs. He assures that between now and five years, half of its growth will take place in major airports.

A strategy that will allow it to find new sources of growth in a saturated market, but especially to seduce business travelers.

To do so, the company has been working for a few months on the improvement of its client experience.

On the agenda, new larger and more comfortable seats, a pocket to put magazines, window covers, as well as a series of relaxed measures around the sales conditions. The company should also set up wifi between now and two years.

It is also thinking about offering a rather unlikely service for a low-cost company: connectivity. An opportunity that Kenny Jacobs and his teams are studying very closely.

“I’m particularly thinking about the Stansted airport that offers numerous connection options towards Europe for passengers coming from the United States. We could offer it in partnership with other more traditional companies.” he adds.

In fact, he believes that between now and the next five years, low-costs will become feeders for traditional companies. Enough to call into the question the current airline alliances?

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Tags : Ryanair

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