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Summer 2015: SNCF expects 24 million travelers

from July 3rd to August 30th 2015

24 million passengers should travel onboard SNCF trains during the summer 2015. To better satisfy its clients, particularly families, the company has established a series of offers and activities.

Rédigé par The Editors translated by Joséphine Foucher le Lundi 6 Juillet 2015

The program Junior&Cie enables children from 4 to 14 years old who travel alone to be accompanied by chaperones - DR : SNCF
The program Junior&Cie enables children from 4 to 14 years old who travel alone to be accompanied by chaperones - DR : SNCF
From Friday July 3rd to Sunday August 30th, 2015, the SNCF will welcome 24 million travelers in train stations and onboard over 67,000 trains (46 200 TGV and 21 000 day and night Intercités train.)

For the first weekend of holidays departures, more than 1.5 million passengers are expected. The Parisian train stations of Montparnasse and Lyon will each welcome close to 320,000 TGV i[[high-speed trains - translator's note]]i travelers.

Families will be able to benefit from services and activities, particularly in the 350 trains of the TGV Family that will circulate every Saturdays and Sundays of the summer, onboard which children of 3 to 7 years old will be entertained by various activities led by chaperones.

Another program: Junior&Cie, aimed at 4 to 14 year old children who travel alone onboard the TGV or Intercités. These youngsters will be accompanied by 1 chaperone per group of 11 children maximum per trip.

Some figures on SNCF travelers

- Out of the 78% of French people who will go on holidays this summer (+1 point compared to 2014), 19% of them will take the train (2 people out 10) to reach their vacation spot.
- 41% of the French who will take a vacation will do so with their family.
- 10% of the people who take the train will use a collaborative mode of transportation (carpooling, car rental between individuals, car sharing…) in their arrival train stations to get to their holiday spot.

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Tags : SNCF Voyages

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