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Summer 2015: Spain, Greece, and Italy were a hit on the French market

Tunisia, Morocco, and Turkey suffered

The sales of the year 2015 varied more than ever depending on geopolitical events. After the perceived pause in January, following the attacks against Charlie Hebdo, the months of May and June also experienced a decline in orders. Summer 2015 was rather stable, according to the first feedbacks that we could collect. A review on

Rédigé par Anaïs BORIOS translated by Joséphine Foucher le Mardi 8 Septembre 2015

Spain, especially the Canary Islands, is leading the sales of summer 2015 - DR : OT Tenerife
Spain, especially the Canary Islands, is leading the sales of summer 2015 - DR : OT Tenerife
Summer 2015 won’t have been exceptional…

Clients reserved last minute more than ever, in part turned off by the attacks in Tunisia and the euro crisis in Greece.

“There were many roadblocks to sales before the summer in our agencies, explains Stéphane Le Pennec, Executive Director of Salaün Holidays, due to the actions of the Islamic State.

But the months of July and August were very good, with a +6% increase in order takings in this last month.”

However, TOs and distributors broke in cold sweat several times, with sales concluded sometimes “8 days before departures,” testifies Aurélien Aufort, Deputy Executive Director of Voyamar.

Winning trio is Spain, Greece, and Italy

Unsurprisingly, the Top 3 of the summer sales were Spain, Greece, and Italy, for a large majority of TOs.

At Voyamar, the Balearic Islands worked very well, whereas Ibiza did not get the success desired for Salaün Holidays. However, the TO from Bretagne made a hit with its Andalusian tours.

Marmara is also performing well on the destination, at a 25% increase in July and 26% in August, particularly on the Canary and Balearic Islands.

The Canary Islands are also in the lead for sales in the Selectour Afat network followed by Greece (the Greek Islands, Crete, and Rhodes.)

Other Mediterranean destinations are standing out such as Portugal, that is making great scores at National Tours, Salaün Holidays or even Travel Europe, “especially with the Porto/Lisbon tours,” adds Helmut Gschwentner, Executive Director of the Austrian TO.

Croatia also performed well. “Our new club products in Istria were Travel Europe's drivers this summer,” specifies Helmut Gschwentner.

The TO is currently looking for new products between Split and Dubrovnik, on the side of Markaska for the 2016 season.

A wonderful Indian summer ahead

However, and by general consensus, Tunisia, Morocco, and Turkey have strongly suffered this summer.

Marmara talked about a decrease of -40%, while Tunisia made a true “flop” at Selectour Afat.

As for long-haul flights, the United States (American West) remains the number 1 destination despite the rise of the dollar.

Asia also seduced travelers: Thailand is at a 23% increase at Nouvelles Frontières. Other popular destinations include Laos, China, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Sri Lanka.

While the month of September should already be particularly great for TOs, they already have their eyes set on Winter with the release of new brochures.

Some are even already recording sales, particularly in Cuba…

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