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The group FRAM is pursuing the process of opening-up its capital

positive consolidated net balance in 2014

The group FRAM presented in a press release its balance for 2014. The net balance is positive at 4.4 million euros. The group indicates that it is pursuing the “process of opening-up its capital,” in order to “ensure its continuity.”

Rédigé par The Editors translated by Joséphine Foucher le Mercredi 1 Juillet 2015

The group FRAM is pursuing the process of opening-up its capital
In a release, the group FRAM announces having made in 2014 a consolidated turnover of 373 million euros, an 8% drop compared to 2013.

The group records a return to a consolidated net positive balance amounting to 4.4 million euros.

The travel company also states that a part of its treasury has been reconstituted “by the disposals made in 2014 of some of its assets.”

The FRAM Agences network has, on its end, reduced its operational loss of 33% in 2014, specifies the group further.

The group has made close to 400,000 clients travel in 2014.

It specifies: “In order to assure the continuity of FRAM and its branches, the group, as well as all of its shareholders, are pursuing the process of opening-up its capital with the goal of welcoming a renown leading investor which will help to tackle the future with calm.”

Long-haul flights represent 16% of the group’s turnover

In a release, FRAM is also highlighting the performances of its products in 2015.

Back in the FRAM catalogue of 2014, the “Olé Clubs” are experiencing an increase of reservations of more than 19%. The “nice price” seems to have found its audience, with “a progression of 17% of its marketshare.”

As for the long-haul offer, it records 57% increase of reservations, thanks “to important improvements operated since March particularly on information systems, and a trending offer of activities.”

The long-haul offer now accounts for 16% of the total turnover of the FRAM Group.

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Tags : FRAM

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