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The inaugural flight postponed yet again: is there a pilot onboard “La Compagnie”?

Is there someone working at the boutique Airlines? Originally scheduled last week, then postponed to july 14th, then rescheduled once again for the 15th of july, the “only business” flight of “La Compagnie” should leave from Paris again on Thursday July 17th…if everything goes well!

Rédigé par Dominique Gobert with Laury-Anne Cholez translated by Joséphine Foucher le Lundi 21 Juillet 2014

The airplane that isn’t this fresh anymore, it might need a rejuvenating treatment…
The airplane that isn’t this fresh anymore, it might need a rejuvenating treatment…
It’s a bit like the “unseen character”, this Compagnie Boutique Airlines.

Planned for last July 11th, the inaugural flight of this new airline Compagnie, only Business Class, with flabbergasting prices, (€1776 tax included for two people), linking Paris Roissy CDG to New York (Newark), was finally postponed to July 15th, meaning today. (at the time the original article was written - translator’s note.)

Here’s the explanation provided by the embarrassed communication service: an authorization of the american aeronautic authorities did not come in time.

Surprising, especially because nobody was able to precisely tell us which authorization was missing.

Alas! Finally, it is a worried customer who contacted us… In fact, the inaugural flight that was supposed to take place on that day was once again postponed.

Exhausted, according to the criteria of the company’s website.

“Modify some elements of the cabin”

Let’s admit this story seems strange.

This time, according to the company’s spokespersons, the famous authorization has finally arrived…

However, and I’m quoting “we preferred postponing the flight to Thursday July 17th in order to modify certain elements of the cabin to provide more comfort to our passengers”, explains a spokesperson of La Compagnie.

Try to understand that.

According to some, it may be that this old airplane might be undergoing a rejuvenating cure.

Unless it’s yet another money issue.

To be continued attentively!

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