Fabrice Pawlak, then director of Terra Group, a network of receptive agencies in Latin America, he was searching for a tool that was compatible with the demands of bespoke tourism and the evolution of the web. To his surprise, he could not find anything suitable on the market and so decided to design his own web platform, that he called Toogo.
- See the Toogo sheet presentation on DMCmag.com
17 man-years of work later (the company Toogonet today employs 10 people)…
Toogonet has grown into an international team spread across the globe: Nicolas Morice and his latino conga drum playing engineers in Bolivia, Olivier Tibi « toogoboy » in America, Pierre Ligonie based in France, and Tibo Jeannin in Africa…
“My team is a team of mercenaries, hands-on guys who are willing to push boundaries, shatter the humdrum copy-paste of yesterday’s tourism. Basically, a team who makes mistakes but moves resolutely on toward ground-breaking tourism”.
- See the Toogo sheet presentation on DMCmag.com
17 man-years of work later (the company Toogonet today employs 10 people)…
Toogonet has grown into an international team spread across the globe: Nicolas Morice and his latino conga drum playing engineers in Bolivia, Olivier Tibi « toogoboy » in America, Pierre Ligonie based in France, and Tibo Jeannin in Africa…
“My team is a team of mercenaries, hands-on guys who are willing to push boundaries, shatter the humdrum copy-paste of yesterday’s tourism. Basically, a team who makes mistakes but moves resolutely on toward ground-breaking tourism”.
The idea is simple :
A multilingual database and supplier, product, client multimedia.
A trip-building tool... an actual, fast, precise tool that works…a bit like a game of lego.
that channels trips to a sales and marketing manager
that leads to a logistics control screen, on manual or autopilot (bookings, payments, group follow-up, invoices, vouchers, rooming lists, travel books,…)
a complete finances section
and all of this results in real-time updates of the websites.
All loose ends are wrapped up.
A trip-building tool... an actual, fast, precise tool that works…a bit like a game of lego.
that channels trips to a sales and marketing manager
that leads to a logistics control screen, on manual or autopilot (bookings, payments, group follow-up, invoices, vouchers, rooming lists, travel books,…)
a complete finances section
and all of this results in real-time updates of the websites.
All loose ends are wrapped up.
Gone are the days of tedious copy-pastes and thrown together page layouts.
In less than five minutes, Toogo generates an interactive trip sheet, a veritable mini-website that can be sent to the client as it is or in PDF. As well as the usual price and trip stages elements, there is also an interactive geographical map and stunning photos of the places visited. Modifying the sheet could not be simpler: return to the software and change the category of hotel or the number of participants and Toogo takes care of the rest.
A solution for bespoke enquiries

The first clients come from all over but they are, first and foremost, eager to be part of bespoke tourism: Namibia, New Zealand, Australia, France, China, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Tanzania, and even Mongolia. And also, of course, the Terra Group agencies, on the front line of the project. They include receptive agencies but also an incentive TO, an adventure TO and another that deals with Mice. In short, made-to-measure travel.
The first trip sheet created by a professional was emitted in Brazil in January 2012 (Terra Brazil agency).
This tool, devised by a pro in response to the problems of the field and the bespoke concept itself, appeals to both receptive agencies and tour operators. “I had been searching for this software for a long time and I am surprised that nobody had thought of it before” admits Fabrice Pawlak. Other similar systems are too expensive and not affordable for small organizations. Toogo however, is sold for 1500 Euros per workstation per year, with no other additional costs. Fabrice Pawlak estimates his productivity gains at 35% “not to mention corporate image”. In sum, a useful investment to respond quickly and efficiently to the ever-increasing demand for bespoke travel.
The first trip sheet created by a professional was emitted in Brazil in January 2012 (Terra Brazil agency).
This tool, devised by a pro in response to the problems of the field and the bespoke concept itself, appeals to both receptive agencies and tour operators. “I had been searching for this software for a long time and I am surprised that nobody had thought of it before” admits Fabrice Pawlak. Other similar systems are too expensive and not affordable for small organizations. Toogo however, is sold for 1500 Euros per workstation per year, with no other additional costs. Fabrice Pawlak estimates his productivity gains at 35% “not to mention corporate image”. In sum, a useful investment to respond quickly and efficiently to the ever-increasing demand for bespoke travel.
Learn more : www.toogonet.com