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Tourism: The Loire Valley, an intoxicating destination for visitors

2 out of 3 guests are French

With the arrival of spring, the season of wine tourism starts with a bang! Vineyards and cellars are filled with epicurean tourists who come to meet winemakers to exchange and taste. There are 6 million annually, and 60% between May and September. In the Center and Pays de la Loire regions, wine tourism is a major activity for visitors. A study conducted in 2013 on the reputation and image of the Loire Valley confirmed the welcoming quality of the vineyard, placing it in first place, tied with Alsace. Let's make a trip?

Rédigé par Editors translated by Joséphine Foucher le Jeudi 19 Juin 2014

Tourism: The Loire Valley, an intoxicating destination for visitors
Among the 1,000 wineries offering wine for sale in the area, 350 are labeled as "Tourist Cellars" that insure easy access, the possibility of a free tasting, and the sales of individual bottles.

20% of them offer a cottage or a room.

The Quality Chart of "Tourist Wine Cellars of Loire,” set up in 2007, is evolving to support wineries in their development of tourism offers.

An audit of 120 wineries conducted by an independent firm is also expected this summer to verify that the requirements of the charter are being respected.

Eight territories labeled "Vineyards and Discoveries", provide a guarantee of multiple and complementary wine tourism offers.

Four Estates of Loire Valley wines expand over the entire vineyard (Tours, Saumur, Angers and Nantes). They include tasting areas and sales along with a full and varied entertainment program.

Tools to facilitate the organization of your stay

The region also has a new wine tourism map printed out in 220,000 copies and available since last March in all the main attractions of the vineyard (hotels, campsites, tourist offices and tourist areas with the Tourist Cellar label).

It locates all tourist labeled cellars, wine houses, heritage sites, etc..

On the website, there is a "Experience" section dedicated to wine tourism with an interactive map and packaged holiday offers.

Note also an Android and iPhone application to get around the vineyard, find labeled tourist cellars, follow the calendar of events, etc..

Dynamic events policy

Moreover, the sector is continuing its efforts on the development of its wine tourism, particularly in terms of its events policy.

The vineyard will be animated by many events that will punctuate the summer.

The operation Vines Wine Hikes in the Loire Valley that works all over the territory is a success. During its 10th edition, in 2013, the event hosted 9,000 participants.

To further enhance its wine heritage tourism, officials focused on media relations and in particular through the release of a wine magazine that provides the best tourism offers in all of Val de Loire.

Promotional activities to enhance the destination

We must mention the new video introducing the Loire Valley that is now available on Youtube in partnership with Atout France and the Loire Valley and Center regions that highlights the destination abroad, in Germany, Belgium, the United States, and the Netherlands.

Some other key actions include print and web commercials and the encouraged participation of bloggers, along with the creation of the Show called "Vineyard Destinations" aimed at foreign tour operators that will take place in Lyon on October 14 and 15 2014.

Contact phone or email:
62, rue Blaise Pascal
CS 61921-37019 Tours Cedex 1 – Phone: 02 47 60 55 00
Office open Monday to Friday from 8:30am to 12:30pm and 1:30pm to 5:30pm.


Loire Valley, a wine tourism destination at the forefront

The Loire Valley, the largest UNESCO World Heritage site in France is the third tourist and wine region – with designations - and has the longest road of vineyards (800 kilometers).

Pioneer of wine tourism, the vineyard of the Loire Valley is the first region in number of territories labeled Vineyards and Discoveries *. It has 8 out of 36 of those. It also has 350 tourist wine cellars labeled by a quality charter created by InterLoire in partnership with tourism institutions and their regions.

The Interprofessional Network of Loire Valley Wines includes the territories of Nantais, Anjou, Saumur and Touraine and include 50 names and denominations spread over 41,000 hectares. InterLoire is at the heart of the 3rd region of Appellation Wines of France with the mission of defending and promoting the wines of the Loire Valley.

Key figures

According to a survey from July 15 to August 19, 2013 amongst 1116 visitors:

● 55% of visitors are between 25 and 49 years old
● The French make up 2 out of 3 guests
● Foreign visitors are from the United Kingdom (38%), Belgium (14%), the Netherlands (9%), United States (7%), Germany (6%), Canada (4%), Austria (3%), other (19%)
● 44% of visitors come as couples and 30% in family
● 2 out of 3 visitors spends between €40 and €160 during their visit in a cellar
● 4.50/5 is the average score given by the visitors on the activities offered on the vineyard

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