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Tourism, the most popular sector on Instagram

Kindai study: Instagram power-users are the new influencers.

In January 2014, Instagram experienced faster growth than Facebook and Twitter. Since its launch in 2010, this service has seen an unprecedented success with over 150 million users, 55 million photos uploaded every day and over 1.3 billion likes a day. Kindai, a digital communication agency specializing in social media and brand content published a study on the interaction between users, influencers, and brands on Instagram in France. And it is tourism that emerges as the most popular industry.

Rédigé par Mathilde Khlat translated by Joséphine Foucher le Jeudi 6 Mars 2014

According to the surveyed users, the sector's most attractive activity on Instagram is tourism for 45% of them.
According to the surveyed users, the sector's most attractive activity on Instagram is tourism for 45% of them.
At a time when Facebook tends to lose its attractiveness, Instagram appears as a real paradise for digital brands.

Among the 150 million Instagram users, there is a new breed of much followed and active influencers. These content creators, professional or amateur photographers, have managed to unite real communities and generate much larger volumes of interactions than your "classic" user.

33% of these new influencers account for more than 100,000 followers and over 44% of them generate more than 50,000 interactions per week.

This data needs to be seriously considered when looking more closely at the impact of Instagram on the IRL behavior of its users: 58% of French users have wanted to buy a product their Instragram “friends” have posted in their profile and 47% have been to a place based on a photo published by one of their friends.

68% of French users are hostile to advertising on Instagram

According to the survey, the most attractive activities on Instagram are tourism for 45% of them, image and sound (photo, video) for 36%, fashion (37%), culture (cinema, video-games, exhibits) for 31% and the design and decoration sector (30%).

Opportunities for collaboration between influencers and brands are numerous but must take part of a genuine effort to understand the expectations, needs and uses of all parties.

Especially when considering that 68% of French users remain hostile to the introduction of advertising on Instagram.

The possible synergies between the content produced by these new brands and the influential power-users could generate contents rich in numerous interactions.

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