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Ukraine Travel Event: “Terre Entière” always wants to go where nobody goes!

3 questions to Hubert Debbasch, CEO of Terre Entière

Most tourism professionals have expressed concern about the geopolitical situation in Ukraine. Some no longer receive any demands from customers, others have stopped production all together. In contrast, Terre Entière just opened the sales for a travel event in the country, from October 25th to November 1st 2014. Debrief with Hubert Debbasch, CEO of Terre Entière.

Rédigé par Anaïs BORIOS translated by Joséphine Foucher le Jeudi 5 Juin 2014 - Why decide now to organize a trip to Ukraine?

Panorama from the tower of Saint Sophia Cathedral in Kiev - © dbrnjhrj -
Panorama from the tower of Saint Sophia Cathedral in Kiev - © dbrnjhrj -
Hubert Debbasch: "This is one of the specialties of Terre Entière: go where nobody goes.

For 15 years, we have added to our culture centered production, geopolitical traveling.

In the same spirit , we opened our subsidiary Babel Tours in Iraq and organized trips themed on the Arab Spring in Tunisia and Egypt.

We also dedicated a cruise to the theme of climate change and a trip to Egypt for an "Introduction to Islam."

Some of our customers were shocked by this choice, but when we offer politically charged trips, we cannot be afraid of losing customers.

The most important is being open-minded.

Ukraine is also a political choice for Terre Entière.

We have been working with Eastern Europe for a long time, our cruises in Russia are popular and it seemed just and balanced to also offer a trip to Ukraine, to allow customers to be aware of the geopolitical situation and cultural life.

Through this, we support the linking of Ukraine with Europe rather than with Russia and we are participating in the launch of tourist country, which has nothing to envy from its direct neighbor." - Can you tell us a bit more about this trip?

Hubert Debbasch - DR
Hubert Debbasch - DR
Hubert Debbasch: "It will take place from October 25th to November 1st 2014 (see the program below).

This is a travel event, which will enable our customers to make high-level meetings, both political and religious and through militant intellectuals.

But we cannot communicate on these meetings yet.

The circuit will be accompanied by Antoine Arjakovsky, a specialist on Ukraine and author of the recent book Russia-Ukraine: From war to peace? .

We will go through Kiev, Lviv and Odessa, because as opposed to the Quai d'Orsay's announcement or of the press, our network of Ukrainian friends on the ground encourages us to come. We assume the risk for our travelers.

The trip can accommodate 30 participants, but since its announcement, on Tuesday, June 2, through our newsletter, we have already booked 15 people. Meaning that many more trips of these type will take place in the future.” - How do you explain this craze for geopolitical travel?

Hubert Debbasch: "In 2014, despite the persistence of the crisis, we are seeing progress on sensitive destinations.

Iran in particular, that we’ve been offering for over 20 years, soared since the announcement of the United States on a possible end to the embargo.

In fact, the crisis is not present on the sensitive areas, customers are always ready to travel when they're given a chance to be bold.

They see the trip as an opportunity to witness what is happening in the world, to become actors."

The Program of the trip to Ukraine...

Event Travel in Ukraine, along with Antoine Arjakovsky, research director at the College of Bernardine, director of the agapan project, founder of the Institute of Ecumenical Studies in Lviv and author of a book entitled "Russia-Ukraine: From war to peace?" (Ed. Parole et Silence).

From October 25th to November 1st 2014, 8 days 7 nights

Price: €2,220

The program:

- October 25th: Paris- Kiev with UIA.

- October 26: Discover the uptown of Kiev

- October 27: Kiev-Lviv

- October 28: Visit Lviv

- October 29: Visiting the Lviv surroundings (Olesko - Pidhirtsi - Zolochiv )

- October 30: Flight to Odessa via Kiev

- October 31: Visit of Odessa

- Novermber 1st: Odessa-Kiev-Paris

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