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What to do and visit in La Rochelle this summer?

What shouldn’t you miss in la Rochelle?

It isn’t a surprise for La Rochelle lovers that it’s part of the 20 best emergent global destinations. Open to the Atlantic Ocean, close to île de Ré and owning one of the biggest marinas in the world: there is an unrivalled savor of freedom in La Rochelle. Besides, its diverse historical sites and monuments witness its history, made of rebellion and prestige. It has a lot in store for you this summer!

Rédigé par le Mercredi 24 Mai 2023

What to do and visit in La Rochelle this summer? © Depositphotos
What to do and visit in La Rochelle this summer? © Depositphotos

Some history

Some historians argue that its very first occupation dates back to the 10th century, while others think that it was in the 5th century that the Alans went there and lived with fishing and viticulture.

In the Middle Ages, given its geographical location, the creation of a port was obvious. Thus, La Rochelle became a prosperous merchant city thanks to the salt and wine trade. It was a Protestant city and had many liberties, so it was economically and culturally radiant between 1568 and 1620. However, being a threat to Richelieu’s policy, it went through a major crisis and was thus deprived of many advantages in 1628. In spite of this, it did very well with its successful maritime trade. Sadly, it actively participated in the black slave trade during the Age of Enlightenment. It did not suffer any damage during the World Wars.

Currently, the city wants to be green and actively campaigns for it. La Pallice, its maritime port, and Les Minimes, its marina, are the two main sources of income. It is very lively, for instance thanks to its many festivals.

What to do in La Rochelle?

You can be sure to have a very busy schedule during your vacation in Charente-Maritime. You can first go to the classy neighborhood and explore Parc Charruyer. There, you can enjoy its 40 hectars and its little animal park to go for a bike ride, hiking, or just entertain yourself with the little ones.

If you want to go for a swim, you can choose between the three beaches of the city : la Concurrence is the closest to the city centre, but Chef-de-Baie is the most enjoyable.
You’ll find many restaurants on the big beach of Les Minimes.

By the way, if you are a foodie, you should go to the Marché Central. Built in the 19th century, it has kept the typical architecture of that time. There, you’ll find local products. You can also go to the picturesque Saint-Nicolas district to have a bite to eat and then have a drink at the famous Guinguette. You have the possibility to go shopping nearby as well.

Don’t forget that the International Film Festival takes place from July 1st to July 10th. And the Francofolies will do from July 13th to July 17th, promising an even more animated city.

Finally, you may have the privilege to go on a little cruise and visit île de Ré, île d’Oléron or île d’Aix. It would be a good opportunity to discover the mythic Fort Boyard.

What to visit in La Rochelle?

The prospection of the Vieux-Port (old harbour) seems to be the best starting point. But how could you fully enjoy it without admiring the ones that protect it since the 14th century? The three towers, of course : la Lanterne Tower, la Chaîne Tower and Saint-Nicholas Tower. You wouldn’t miss the door of the Grosse Horloge (the Big Clock), the Cours des Dames or the Quai Duperré either…

The « belle et rebelle » (beautiful and rebel) city has a lot of museums. Thus, you can discover the Musée Maritime and the Musée du Nouveau-Monde. There is also the Bunker de la Rochelle that will make you realize the importance of the city’s submarine defense during World War II. It’s a pitty that you won’t have the opportunity to visit the superb Musée des Beaux-arts, as it will only re-open its doors in 2026. You can be comforted with the Natural History Museum where you can play the role of an explorer of the Rochelais coastline and the marshes.

Other sites are worth a visit, including the La Rochelle Aquarium, showing its dancing jellyfishes and its sharks. And finally, you can admire the Saint-Louis cathedral, the house of Henri II and the house of Nicolas Venette.

What’s the weather like in La Rochelle?

As the capital city of the Charente-Maritime department, La Rochelle is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean. Thus, the oceanic climate makes the city have a mild winter season and hot summer days. In 2021, there were more than 2560 hours of sunshine. The period when the sun shone the most was between mid-May and mid-September. It is during this period that I recommend you to visit it.

This summer, it will be sunny and the average temperatures will fluctuate between 21 and 31 °C in July. In August, it will go from 21 to 27°C. In September, maximum temperatures will fluctuate between 18 and 25°C. Three to four days of rain are expected in each of these months.

Enjoy your stay!

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