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World Travel Market Latin America : almost a 90% increase in overall visitor pre-registrations

the leading global event for the Latin American travel industry

World Travel Market Latin America, the leading global event for the Latin American travel industry, has witnessed almost a 90% increase in overall visitor pre-registrations as it now enters its second year in Brazil. The second edition of WTM Latin America which takes place between April 23rd and 25th at the Transamerica Expo Center, in São Paulo, will be bigger and better than the inaugural event, which saw more than 1,000 exhibitors from 60 countries take part.

Rédigé par le Lundi 3 Mars 2014

All visitor groups have seen an increase in pre-registrations after only three weeks of the online registration being open to travel trade.

The introduction of a dedicated WTM Latin America Buyers’ Club has led to almost 600 registrations so far.

The Buyers' Club will facilitate networking, providing international and Latin American travel buyers with the opportunity to meet, greet and discuss business, leading to contracts being signed whilst expanding connections.

WTM Latin America’s sister event WTM in London recently announced that £2.2 billion of industry deals will be negotiated either through contracts signed at the event or from negotiations with WTM Buyers’ Club members, which will lead to deals signed before WTM 2014.

The number of Travel Agents planning to attend WTM Latin America has almost quadrupled for the 2014 event which can in part be accredited to the enhanced comprehensive events programme that will cover a range of topics central to the growth of the Latin American industry.

Trade visitor pre-registrations compared to this time last year has already grown by 7% and Press pre-registrations has seen an exceptional increase of 23%.

WTM Latin America, which also includes the 41st Braztoa Business Meeting, has a number of other new initiatives including;

• The Travel Tech Zone – an increased focus on travel technology companies
• The Innovation Zone – looking at new initiatives within the industry
• Meet The Press – opportunity for exhibitors to tell the media their key stories
• BRAZTOA’s enlarged Business Meeting region, which will be situated in the centre of the exhibition floor.

Registration can be made in three different languages - Portuguese, Spanish and English – via the WTM Latin America site. Register now at

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