Air Transat lance sa "Promo givrée" pour la saison hivernale
Miles Attack propose de convertir les MILES en euros
DMC Passion Brazil fête ses 20 ans
MSC World America propose 19 types de cabines
Tourisme balnéaire : "des investissements climatiques urgents" !
Lighthouse lève 370 M$ pour accélérer son développement
Celestyal lance son offre Black Friday
ITA Airways renforce les vols vers la Thaïlande
Ryanair peut-elle (vraiment) supprimer 50% de son offre en France ? [ABO]
Eurafrique : un salon du voyage d'affaires sous le signe du durable [ABO]
International Edition
Creating three dimensional images has been a technological obsession for a long time, especially in the film industry. But today, 3D is not only reserved to this field, and is becoming more and more...
Through a rate of monthly openings of travel agencies, Promovacances decided to speed up the deployment of its network. Projected goal: open between 75 and 80 sales outlets within the next 3 years....
Present in Brazil historically, the company TAP Portugal is now tackling the rest of Latin America, with openings in Panama and Bogota. It is also expanding its network in France with a landing in...
“France is afraid” declared Roger Gicquel on the first live TV news broadcast on February 18th, 1976. 38 and a half years later, France is afraid and travel agencies are empty. Proof that history may...
Last weekend, the very popular Trek of the Annapurnas in Nepal went terribly wrong. A snowstorm ravaged the area leading to the death of around forty people including close to twenty tourists. The...
The agreement signed between unions and Air France’s management does not really change Transavia’s situation, since it will only be able to run 40 aircrafts. A number that’s quite far from the...
Dernière heure
OFFICE NATIONAL DU TOURISME TUNISIEN - APPEL D’OFFRES INTERNATIONAL N°20241100536 : Construction des stands de l’O.N.T.T aux salons et foires touristiques à l'Etranger pour les années 2025 2026 2027