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Paris is the 4th most attractive city in the world

Up two spots on the “Cities of Opportunity” ranking by PwC

Paris is moving up two spots and now stands in 4th position in the world’s most attractive cities, according to a ranking from the study "Cities of Opportunity” created by the PwC firm.

Rédigé par The Editors translated by Joséphine Foucher le Mercredi 7 Septembre 2016

On Twitter, the French government congratulates Paris for its 4th place - DR: Twitter/
On Twitter, the French government congratulates Paris for its 4th place - DR: Twitter/
The research firm PwC recently revealed its ranking of the most attractive cities of the world. And, good news, Paris moves up two spots and wins 4th place.

This is the best position for the French capital in this ranking “Cities of Opportunity” since 2011.

It is London (UK) that gets first place, before Singapore and Toronto (Canada).

The study is based on different economic, social, and cultural criteria around 10 themes. It ranks 30 cities of the world in total.

Paris est la 4e ville la plus attractive au monde

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