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Le Puy du Fou is about to expand in Spain and China

The 2nd most important theme park in France is to invest 200 millions euros before 2025

In 2017, le Puy du Fou celebrates its 40th anniversary with new shows and services. But most importantly this second major amusement park in France wants to invest and to grow abroad in Spain and in China.

Rédigé par La Rédaction le Mardi 28 Février 2017

Nicolas de Villiers, the son of Puy du Fou's founder and the president of the park launches an important development strategy abroad - DR : P.G.
Nicolas de Villiers, the son of Puy du Fou's founder and the president of the park launches an important development strategy abroad - DR : P.G.
With international recognitions and economic success, le Puy du Fou think big.

Nicolas de Villiers, president, states that "The park's 40th anniversary is only the begning of a long story".

Founded in 1978 by Philippe de Villiers, the park enjoys its success with 2 220 000 visitors last year, 100 millions euros of sales revenue ( a 21%raise and twice more than what they made five years ago). Le Puy du Fou prepares for a spectacular future and is about to invest 200 millions euros over a 10-year period to expand abroad.

Shows to open in Spain and in China

"As a provider, we look into international markets", declares Nicolas de Villiers.

After developping historic shows in British and Dutch amusement parks over the last years, le Puy du Fou is ready to grow abroad.

The president states: "Our goal is to open three new parks within the next 10 years",

The most advanced project as of today is a park featuring Spain history. The park will be located next to Toledo. It will be a replica of the French park's format.

Location is set and the opening will occure in 2021. Le Puy du Fou is now looking with local communities for investors. A 140 millions euros should be invested on the project.

Le Puy du Fou is also talking with Chinese investors to create a theme park about Chinese history. Nicolas de Villiers explains that "It would be a fantastic ackowledgement of a great artistic expression".

No other show is programmed in France. "It's not part of our strategy".

A healthy park

On the Vendée park only, Nicolas de Villiers mentions a 30 millions euros investment for 2017. " A daring Investment which reflects our fauth in our future".

The park attracts 14% of international visitors,. Awarded "Best park in the world" (in 2012 and in 2014), Le Puy du Fou is eager to grow.

Philippe de Villiers notes: "We work closely with airports to create more traffic and with tour operators in adjacent countries on packaged travels".

Another development axis: creativity and technology. The park will invest in a new rotative Platform and in the acquisition of a fleet of drones for shows.

Two new shows ("Le Ballet des sapeurs" and "Le Grand Carillon") will be launched on April 1st 2017 and [a new hotel, La Citadelle, (featuring a XIIIth century atmosphere) will open its doors on the same day. ]b

Famous nocturnal show "Cinéscénie" with its 2 500 actors, keeps on being a huge success. Nicolas de Villiers explains: "seats on the first representation of the year were sold out within a minute".

Today, the park offers 60 shows to 25 000 visitors daily. It features 21 restaurants and 5 hotels with a total of 2 000 beds and welcomes 200 seminars a year. 1 700 employees and 3 600 volunteers work for Le Puy du Fou.

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