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Bretagne Sensation: wild and unknown Bretagne islands!

Interview with Claudie Allix, Director of Sensation Bretagne

True little heavens on the sea, islands, small islands, archipelagos, and peninsulas in Bretagne, from the 21 stations of the Sensation Bretagne network, are diverse and offer a magical introduction to the discovery of Bretagne. Claudie Allix, Director of Sensation Bretagne, told us about her island network.

Rédigé par Saliha Hadj-Djilani translated Joséphine Foucher le Mercredi 23 Décembre 2015

Bretagne Sensation: wild and unknown Bretagne islands! - What are the goals of Sensation Bretagne?

C.A.:Sensation Bretagne is a network of 21 coastal towns in Bretagne gathered in set of quality principles. The network has been working since 20 years around the principle of sharing means to establish promotion and communications actions of member destinations.

Thanks to a structured marketing strategy, the 21 destinations are implementing actions that they would not be able to do alone (creation of videos by drone and on the ground, annual collaboration with a press relations agency, directing photo documentaries every year…)

Sensation Bretagne is also working on establishing ephemeral events on the 21 destinations with, specifically, the Place aux Mômes Festival that features high-quality shows to families during school holidays (150 shows per year on the destinations.)

Finally, the network has a engineering and observation facet. Sensation Bretagne is considered as an expert on river tourism in Bretagne. We enhance the sharing of experiences on “key” topics around the touristic development of our territories.” - What makes these islands unique?

C.A.: “Their exceptional and little-known untamed nature. They are not visited much, for the most part, and they all offer the opportunity to make a unique discovery. Furthermore, none of them have cars except for the Callot Island in Carantec. - Can you describe their particularities to us?

C.A.: - The Ebihens are almost inaccessible islands in a beautiful bay.

- The 7 islands are home to the biggest bird sanctuary with 4,000 Northern Gannets, facing the pink granite coast.

- The Milliau Island is a must-live experience: you have to walk during low tide and wait for the sea to come back and cover the path, then you’ll be almost alone on the island, other than some rabbits living there.

- The Callot Island is a long strip of land in the shape of a seahorse with white sand beaches where you can enjoy fresh oysters.

- The Louet Island is perfect for a night alone on the Morlaix Bay surrounded by little islands and facing the Taureau Castle.

- The Batz Island lures you to the boom in Roscoff to discover an exotic vegetation.

- The Glénan Islands are the Bermudas of the Atlantic Ocean, for a heavenly escapade.

To best discover these islands we recommend a 10 day tour to visit 7 of them: from the North to South of Bretagne, in kayak, by foot, on a boat, every island is its own experience.

Sensation Bretagne : des îles bretonnes sauvages et méconnues !

Practical Info

Getting to Bretagne

By plane
Several direct flights leaving from Paris and French regions that link to Bretagne’s 7 airports: Rennes, Bret, Quimper, Lorient, Lannion, Nantes, Dinard.

By car
At the extreme West of Europe, Bretagne is linked up by two major axis: the Estuaires Highway (A 84 and A 83) coming from the North and South and the Océane (A 11) Highway coming from the East. Once in Bretagne, a completely toll-free road network of 2x2 lanes connects the entire region.

By train
Bretagne is well connected by train especially from Paris onboard the TGV Atlantique. Leaving from the Montparnasse train station, calculate 2 hours to reach Rennes and 4 for Brest or Quimper. Direct lines also enable to reach Bretagne with no stops or without going through Paris.

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