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Hotels: the quality/price ratio of French hotels on the rise in 2015

A Hotel Info study

Hotel info reveals the results of a study on the price/quality ratio conducted amongst its users. In the study, we learn that while the Czech Republic is the European country where travelers are the most satisfied with hotels, France is clearly progressing in 2015.

Rédigé par The editors translated by Joséphine Foucher le Lundi 14 Décembre 2015

French hotels have satisfied their clients more in 2015 than in 2014 - DR :
French hotels have satisfied their clients more in 2015 than in 2014 - DR :
The price/quality ratio of French hotels is improving in 2015, according to a study from the reservation platform Hotel Info.

According to this study that looked at evaluations left by clients on the hotels they attended on the website with a point grading system ranging from 0 to 10, the median of French hotels reach 7.12 points. It was at 6.85 points in 2014.

But these results are not homogenous over the territory. Travelers are the most satisfied in Brest: 7.91 points. The city of Bretagne comes before Strasbourg (7.85) and Nantes (7.71).

Marseille stays in 13th places tied with Montpellier: 7.26 points.

Amiens gets the lowest grade (6.52 points). While Lille and Paris are not doing much better with respectively 6.75 and 6.84 points.

Prague is in the lead

With these scores, France is placed in the middle of the European ranking, rather far behind the Czech republic that wins the first spot with an average of 8.13 points.

Then follow, in order, Portugal (8.09), Poland (8.02), Hungary (7.92), and Austria (7.86.)

In reverse, Danemark has the lowest price/quality ratio according to clients: 6.37 points. The scores are not much better in Norway (6.59), the United Kingdom (6.92), Belgium (6,92) and in Russia (6,96).

At the city level, it is in Prague that hotels receive the best evaluation of the price/quality ratio: 8.20 points. Lisbon (8,04), Warsaw (8.01), Berlin (8.01) and Bangkok (7.89) follow closely behind.

And it is in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) where the average ranks the lowest on a global scale with only 6.28 points. New York (USA) is doing slightly better with 6.33 points. Similar to Copenhagen (Danemark) with 6.46 points.

Hôtellerie : le rapport qualité/prix des établissements français en hausse en 2015

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