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France experiences a 2.5% drop in tourist numbers

Insee numbers

The National Institute for Statistics and Economy (INSEE) publishes numbers about the attendance in French tourist institutions during summer 2016. The report shows a 2.5% drop in comparison with 2015. Paris and the French Riviera are the first victims.

Rédigé par La Rédaction le Mercredi 23 Novembre 2016

The terrorist attacks seriously impacted tourism in France during summer 2016 - Photo :
The terrorist attacks seriously impacted tourism in France during summer 2016 - Photo :
An INSEE report shows tourist numbers in France dropped by 2.5% during summer 2016. urlblank: ce mercredi 23 novembre 2016, avec un total de 262 millions de nuitées entre mai et septembre 2016.

The institute emphasizes on the impact of the terrorist attacks in Paris and in Nice on this number.

INSEE said that In 2015, the summer season had recorded a 3% increase of tourists in comparison with 2014 at the same periode.

During summer 2016, French tourist numbers slow down by 1 % and international travellers slow down by 5,5 % .

Cities have mainly be impacted (-5 %) with a -12,7 % peak for Paris. However cities in Provinces have recorded a 1 % growth.

The littoral also experienced a bad tourist season (-3,6 %) with poor weather conditions and fewer long weekends than in 2015.

The drop is significant in Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region (-8,6 %). It became even more significant after the July 14 2016 terrorist attacks in Nice.

Figures are also poor in Pays-de-la-Loire region (-6,7 %) and in Normandie (-4,2 %).

Only rural areas (+2,7 %) and mountain stations (+0,6 %) succeeded in experiencing a good tourist season during summer 2016.

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Tags : ete 2016, insee

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