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France: the government approves a “special” €2.5 million budget for tourism

meeting with all the tourism professionals in Paris

As we had announced on Tuesday March 1st, 2016, Jean-Marc Ayrault, the new Minister of Foreign Affairs, is also tackling tourism heads on. Yesterday, he met with all of the key players of the profession at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in order to give a clear message: let’s join forces for tourism in France!

Rédigé par Dominique Gobert translated by Joséphine Foucher le Mardi 1 Mars 2016

French tourism professionals met at the Quai d’Orsay on Tuesday, March 1st, 2016 - Photo : D.G.
French tourism professionals met at the Quai d’Orsay on Tuesday, March 1st, 2016 - Photo : D.G.
They all came to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Tuesday March 1st, 2016, in response to an invitation by Jean-Marc Ayrault, current Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Matthias Fekl, State Secretary for Tourism.

The Ministers had a strong message to convey, especially following the attacks of last January and the “natural” disaffection that foreign tourists are feeling towards the destination France.

“We ensure the safety of everybody, reminded Jean-Marc Ayrault. “Foreigners and our citizens alike.”

Talking to all participants, who included the Snav, Seto, Umih, airline companies and many more, the Minister calls for each and everyone to “mobilize” in order to restore the prestige of tourism in France.

A “special” budget of 2.5 million euros!

“The State will implement all the means necessary to promote our destination. A communications campaign of 2.5 million euros is now being put in place.”

It will focus on promoting France, with positive and reassuring messages, rather than a useless traditional communications campaign, that is expensive and inefficient.

“When visitors come to France they need to be re-exposed to our entire culture and the richness of our cultural heritage.”

A message that seems to have seduced the participants of this meeting. Jean-Pierre Mas, Director of the Snav, and René-Marc Chickli, Director of the Seto, seated next to each other at the “grand salon” table of the Ministry told us that they were rather “reassured” by the Minister’s words.

“This is heading in the right direction, they believe.

We are quite familiar with the issue of relaunching a destination and it is a rather good thing to want to promote the destination through concrete invitations to foreigns rather than an advertising campaign that tends to be inefficient. Sure, we need to invest, but not too quickly, and according to the markets.”

Apparently, as shown by the Ministry’s service, after the dramatic drop of visitors last January (-25% in Paris especially), it seems that we are getting back to more encouraging numbers in this late February.

“But there is still lots of work to do, concludes Jean-Marc Ayrault.

We must keep on mobilizing in order to reach this ambitious objective of 100 million tourists in France by 2020!”

France : le gouvernement débloque un budget "spécial" de 2.5 M€ pour le tourisme

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