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Paris Airport and the CRT are joining with the Chinese Tripadvisor

Creation of an information guide for Chinese travelers

Paris Airports and the Paris Île de France CRT signed a partnership with the primary review website in China: An action to pamper a clientele that spends a lot and that is rapidly growing.

Rédigé par Laury-Anne CHOLEZ translated by Joséphine Foucher le Vendredi 20 Mai 2016, the Chinese Tripadvisor, was visited by 80 million unique visitors in 2015., the Chinese Tripadvisor, was visited by 80 million unique visitors in 2015.
Better welcome Chinese travelers upon their arrival at the airport.

Such is the objective of the new partnership signed on Friday, May 20, 2016, between, the Chinese Tripadvisor, Paris Airports and the CRT Paris Île de France.

This platform that was launched in 2004 has 80 million unique visitors (numbers for 2015.)

It provides advices on the destinations and publishes comments of Chinese travelers.

There are 7 million messages and 4.6 million photos posted over 555,000 discussion topics and 200 touristic guides. Like Tripadvisor, it also has a flight and hotel comparator.

This partnership with the largest forum of Chinese travelers will enable Paris Airport to not only promote its new brand but also its services.

“We have become a true destination for Chinese tourists and we want them to take the time to enjoy the airport before their departure,” highlights Laure Baume, Deputy Executive Director of the group ADP.

Better inform Chinese tourists upon their arrival at the airport.

The airport received the “Welcome Chinese” certification in March 2015 that was obtained thanks to its efforts pertaining to adding signage in the terminals, setting up hot water distributors, or hiring Chinese retailers in stores.

Necessary efforts to pamper this big spendthrift clientele that had a spending average of 150 euros last year, versus an average of 19.70 euros for other nationalities.

Add to that the fact that China has also become, for Paris, the main contributing Asian country in terms of volume of passengers, and the trafic toward China is progressing by 6.4% since the beginning of the year.

For the Paris Île de France CRT, this alliance is also an opportunity to further improve their information to travelers in Paris thanks to the publication of a paper guide edited in 120,000 copies and that will be distributed throughout the six information spaces that it manages in the airport.

“The Chinese are plentiful in reserving touristic activities and other services right upon their arrival at the airport. They have become our third clientele,” ensures François Navarro, General Director of the CRT.

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