Euro Disney and the group Pierre et Vacances – Center Parcs, two big actors of international tourism, allied to create a new type of accommodation.
Villages Nature is a cluster of 2,300 housing units based on the quest of harmony between Man and Nature, in accordance with the principles of sustainable development.
It will be located in Val d’Europe, six kilometers south of the Disney parks and this is why Euro Disney and Center Parcs aim at short and mid-term stays.
There will be a 9000 square meter water park and 160 000 square meter dedicated to fun and educational activities and with a potential site for 259 hectares, there will be 70 % of cottages (1210 units) and 30% of apartments (520 units) divided into four villages :
• a central village (520 apartments and recreational facilities)
• a lakeside village (349 cottages)
• two forest villages (861 cottages)
The holiday villages are set to open in 2016 but the project is not a newborn. Everything started fourteen years ago, in 2002, with the first discussions, then initiation of the study was formalized in February 2007.
In November 2010, both companies officially formalized the Villages Nature project. Finally, on December 12th, 2014, French Prime Minister Manuel Valls laid the first stone of the holiday villages. He qualified this project as “an essential project, having as priorities environment and nature”.
This project represents 800 million euros of public and private investments.
Villages Nature is a cluster of 2,300 housing units based on the quest of harmony between Man and Nature, in accordance with the principles of sustainable development.
It will be located in Val d’Europe, six kilometers south of the Disney parks and this is why Euro Disney and Center Parcs aim at short and mid-term stays.
There will be a 9000 square meter water park and 160 000 square meter dedicated to fun and educational activities and with a potential site for 259 hectares, there will be 70 % of cottages (1210 units) and 30% of apartments (520 units) divided into four villages :
• a central village (520 apartments and recreational facilities)
• a lakeside village (349 cottages)
• two forest villages (861 cottages)
The holiday villages are set to open in 2016 but the project is not a newborn. Everything started fourteen years ago, in 2002, with the first discussions, then initiation of the study was formalized in February 2007.
In November 2010, both companies officially formalized the Villages Nature project. Finally, on December 12th, 2014, French Prime Minister Manuel Valls laid the first stone of the holiday villages. He qualified this project as “an essential project, having as priorities environment and nature”.
This project represents 800 million euros of public and private investments.
The area wants to be an example for eco-tourism. Its objective is to reduce a maximum of its ecologic footprint.
Unreleased step focusing on limiting the effects of its layout has been started, with a constant cooperation with associations of environmental protection.
There are series of avoiding, reduction and compensation measures that are essentially about sustainable management of water, preservation of wet environment, consumption of agricultural lands and wooded spaces.
The project’s promoters created a PAD (Direct Action Plan) on ten targets, with objectives to reach in the conception, realization and utilization of the destination phases
- Carbon zero: using geothermic, and reducing the consumption of CO²
- Natural housing and wild life: respect natural spaces and biodiversity
- No garbage: compost and separate garbage
- Local and sustainable nutrition: boost a biological and seasonal nutrition
- Sustainable means of transport: unavoidable fact for the control of carbon emission
- Culture and legacy: raising awareness among visitors in a fun way on the future of the planet
- Sustainable water: water will be preserved
- High quality of life and well-being: visitors, employees and residents of territories will be able to blossom
- Sustainable and local materials: nature will be integrated in the architecture of buildings
- Fairness and economic development: the destination will benefit to the local economy
Unreleased step focusing on limiting the effects of its layout has been started, with a constant cooperation with associations of environmental protection.
There are series of avoiding, reduction and compensation measures that are essentially about sustainable management of water, preservation of wet environment, consumption of agricultural lands and wooded spaces.
The project’s promoters created a PAD (Direct Action Plan) on ten targets, with objectives to reach in the conception, realization and utilization of the destination phases
- Carbon zero: using geothermic, and reducing the consumption of CO²
- Natural housing and wild life: respect natural spaces and biodiversity
- No garbage: compost and separate garbage
- Local and sustainable nutrition: boost a biological and seasonal nutrition
- Sustainable means of transport: unavoidable fact for the control of carbon emission
- Culture and legacy: raising awareness among visitors in a fun way on the future of the planet
- Sustainable water: water will be preserved
- High quality of life and well-being: visitors, employees and residents of territories will be able to blossom
- Sustainable and local materials: nature will be integrated in the architecture of buildings
- Fairness and economic development: the destination will benefit to the local economy
This project is called “Villages Nature” because of its exceptional biodiversity. This village is a mix of vacation club, a natural park and an amusement park.
The most important thing of this project is the geothermal technology which will seduce nature’s fans. Villages Nature designers were inspired by the local geothermal and created a central heating network for the village.
The presence of a geothermal water represents the "genius loci" and allows the project to be a sustainable tourist destination. 97% of the site's heating requirement will be supplied by this renewable and sustainable energy.
Geothermal energy provides a bathing temperature of 30°C in all season, without emitting greenhouse gases. Deep geothermal energy is thus completely constitutive of the visitor experience at Villages Nature.
Thanks to the innovative characteristics of this project, the park predicts to avoid nearly 9000 tons of CO2 each year. Overtime, Villages Nature plans the connection of both Disney parks' boiler room and the setting up of a territorial energy pattern on the whole of Val d’Europe.
The park won’t accept any cars with the aim to be "a 0 car place” by facilitating the use of soft transportation. Indeed, visitors will have the possibility to use hybrid and electric vehicles and also to use public transportations within the park.
All these measures will enable the holiday villages to reduce by 4 the carbon footprint of the visitors compared to an alternative tourist destination.
“Villages Nature” is concerned with improvement of cultural and patrimonial richness of its host territory. France designated this project as OIN (Operation of National Interest) and PIG (Public Interest Project) because of the significant economic and social benefits it will bring. Indeed, it will create 4,500 direct and indirect jobs and more than a thousand until 2016.
To get more information, do not hesitate to go check their website http://www.villagesnature.com/
The most important thing of this project is the geothermal technology which will seduce nature’s fans. Villages Nature designers were inspired by the local geothermal and created a central heating network for the village.
The presence of a geothermal water represents the "genius loci" and allows the project to be a sustainable tourist destination. 97% of the site's heating requirement will be supplied by this renewable and sustainable energy.
Geothermal energy provides a bathing temperature of 30°C in all season, without emitting greenhouse gases. Deep geothermal energy is thus completely constitutive of the visitor experience at Villages Nature.
Thanks to the innovative characteristics of this project, the park predicts to avoid nearly 9000 tons of CO2 each year. Overtime, Villages Nature plans the connection of both Disney parks' boiler room and the setting up of a territorial energy pattern on the whole of Val d’Europe.
The park won’t accept any cars with the aim to be "a 0 car place” by facilitating the use of soft transportation. Indeed, visitors will have the possibility to use hybrid and electric vehicles and also to use public transportations within the park.
All these measures will enable the holiday villages to reduce by 4 the carbon footprint of the visitors compared to an alternative tourist destination.
“Villages Nature” is concerned with improvement of cultural and patrimonial richness of its host territory. France designated this project as OIN (Operation of National Interest) and PIG (Public Interest Project) because of the significant economic and social benefits it will bring. Indeed, it will create 4,500 direct and indirect jobs and more than a thousand until 2016.
To get more information, do not hesitate to go check their website http://www.villagesnature.com/
THACH Christine
THACH Christine