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Air France: “The mobile phone means traveling in our clients’ pocket”

The mobile app, a traveling companion

All observers guarantee a radiant future for the smartphone. The announcement of the hiring of 100,000 workers in China for the release of the latest iPhone 6 is a new testament to that. Air France doesn’t refrain from getting prepared and has just finished redesigning its application and mobile site. It is now possible to organize the entirety of a trip with a smartphone: choosing the flight, picking extra options, buying the ticket, modifying, or canceling it.

Rédigé par Rémi Bain translated by Joséphine Foucher le Mercredi 27 Août 2014

© Antonioguillem -
© Antonioguillem -
"The mobile phone means planning an entire trip right in our clients’ pocket from purchasing the ticket to boarding all while benefiting from real-time updates and various possibilities of ticket modifications,” according to Tanguy Favennec, digital development director of Air France.

The company is planning to further expand through the initiative of providing push notifications based on users’ profiles thanks to the new website and application.

"We want to send circumstantial notifications, for example, offering the purchase of an upgrade through miles,” continues Tangua Favennec.

Information doesn’t wait

Another interesting idea: Air France Press (see box below.) Every client can now download on a tablet his favorite press 24 hours before departure and will even be able to so on his smartphone by the end of the year.

No need to worry about your favorite magazine running out before boarding the plane.

This is also appreciated for the return flight, since the latest French press isn’t always available on every flight, as this depends on the rotations.

Through the mobile phone, Air France’s strategy is strongly defining itself.

Interview with Jacques-Olivier Guichard, mobile solution representative with Air France

i-tourisme: The mobile seems to be one of your showpieces in the digital sector. Do you agree?

Jacques-Olivier Guichard: “Completely, for us, the mobile has to become the main system of information and knowledge to our clients. In our mobile application, we have included everything pertaining to trips.”

i-tourisme: Everything?

JOG: “You be the judge: reserving and managing, the departure, google now, our mobile guarantee and direct access to Facebook and Twitter…”

i-tourisme: This is a lot at once. Lets start with reservations. Have you managed to give us a user-friendly tool?

JOG: “That’s the goal. We know precisely that on a small screen tactile navigation has to be fluid. Meaning that we removed everything that isn’t fundamental in order to only keep the essentials.

It has to be quick: by entering a date and destination, you immediately receive 3 price offers.

It is simple while being complete. Our clients should be able to do everything from their phone.”

i-tourisme : And for flight modifications?

JOG: “Changes just like cancellations are done through a key made just for that.

If our client has a meeting that has moved and his ticket is modifiable, he has the possibility of changing his flight and obtaining his new boarding pass in just a few seconds.”

i-tourisme : And to leave?

JOG: “30 hours before departure, our clients can check-in, choose their seat and receive their boarding pass in just 3 clicks via our application or through Passbook.

Its precise update, such as the boarding gate number for example is automatically displayed.”

i-tourisme : A word on Google now...

JOG: “Our application is compatible with Google Now. Meaning that a few hours before departure, Google Now recognizes that the client has a flight and it automatically displays the travel time to the airport as well as the flight status.

We have adapted to the technical evolution of Androïd and Google phones the same way we did for Apple’s Passbook.”

i-tourisme : It is up and running?

JOG: “Everything that I am telling you about has been launched or relaunched in 2014. But we’re not going to stop here.

Our next project will be to allow our client, if he so wishes, to board through the automatic integration of the boarding pass in the application. He won’t be expected to do it himself anymore.

In the same way, we are working on geolocalization. The goal is to help our traveler to get around inside the airport.

When it comes to mobility options, the developments are still in progress."

i-tourisme : And social networks?

JOG: “With our direct link via Facebook and Twitter, from the application, contacting Air France is now even easier.

That way, clients have the possibility of talking with the Company from anywhere in the world. They’ll get an answer within the hour.

If they prefer talking on the phone, they will be connected in just one click to the Company’s call center.”

i-tourisme: Finally, tell us about the mobile guarantee.

JOG: “It is a timeframe that we offer our clients. This guarantee can be activated right at the time of the ticket purchase. This allows the client the freedom to confirm or not his purchase for 24 hours.

There are still difficulties to paying for reservations via smartphones.

This guarantee gives our clients greater leniency when reserving.”

Air France Press mobile application

Air France Press is a mobile application that provides clients with quick and free access to a large range of daily newspapers and magazines both French and international, straight on their tablets.

The download is accessible 24 hours before the flight and up until the hour of departure, as well as during layovers.

Once downloaded, the headlines are available to clients, in their tablets before, during, and after the flight, including offline.

That way, everyone can enjoy the latest edition of a selection of more than forty French and international papers.

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Tags : AirFrance

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