Atout France pourrait déposer le bilan en 2025 [ABO]
Meilleure enseigne, RSE : Verdié Voyages fait coup double !
Espagne : si vous voyagez, vous êtes fliqué ! [ABO]
Garantie financière : Arcus Solutions débarque en Belgique
Ventes directes des compagnies : quels enjeux pour le secteur ? [ABO]
Fréquentation : Toulouse voit la vie en rose
Innovation touristique : les lauréats du concours RESILIENT dévoilés
Noël et Nouvel An 2025 : où vont les Français ?
L’Aéroport Rennes Bretagne organise son 1er Salon des Voyages
Black Friday : Decathlon Travel favorise le voyage local
International Edition
The relationship between Paris Airports [ADP - French acronym] and Air France is akin to that of a couple. Indeed, neither of them can live without each other. I would even say that they only exist...
While wage negotiations are still on hold, thousands of people protested on October 22, 2015, against the job cuts at Air France. A battle that reinforces the determination of those facing the...
The President of the Cediv, Adriana Minchella, launches an appeal in’s columns to incite travel agencies to mobilize in saving FRAM and avoid the tour-operator’s demise. Contacted by...
Consultourisme embarks on a cruise. For, the research firm looked at this sector that has largely been democratized. To refine this comparison, the study focuses on cruises sharing the...
If the HNA and Selectour Afat offer were to be withdrawn, FRAM may have to file for bankruptcy. A failure that may send a shockwave strong enough to teeter many players of France’s tourism sector....
The Indian company, Jet Airways, suffered from the confusion around visas and Europe’s economic uncertainty. After 18 months of operation of the Paris-Mumbai line, it hopes to quickly reach financial...
Dernière heure
OFFICE NATIONAL DU TOURISME TUNISIEN - APPEL D’OFFRES INTERNATIONAL N°20241100536 : Construction des stands de l’O.N.T.T aux salons et foires touristiques à l'Etranger pour les années 2025 2026 2027