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Tags (6) : sharing economy
CosmopolitHome facilite l'échange de nuitées entre particuliers (vidéo)| 03/11/2016 | La Travel Tech
What can the traditional hotel sector learn from the case of Airbnb?Pauline Dugoujon translated by Joséphine Foucher | 09/11/2015 | Travel In France (English)
NightSwapping offers (re)assurance to fans of collaborative tourismPauline Cao translated by Joséphine Foucher | 05/11/2015 | International Edition
WTM London: Big data and the sharing economy are shaking up the tourism sectorLaury-Anne CHOLEZ translated by Joséphine Foucher | 03/11/2015 | International Edition
Airbnb and Uber are tackling Business tourismClaudine Barry translated by Joséphine Foucher | 28/09/2015 | International Edition
Dernière heure
A VENDRE CAUSE DEPART A LA RETRAITE - Agence de voyages Grenobloise indépendante et IATA spécialisée en voyages sur-mesure