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Tags (4) : terrorism
Terrorist attacks: J.-P. Huchon recommends a crisis management unit for tourismThe Editors translated by Joséphine Foucher | 07/09/2016 | Travel In France (English)
France: state of emergency should be extended until the Euro 2016 finaleThe Editors translated by Joséphine Foucher | 20/04/2016 | Travel In France (English)
The Euro Cup and the Tour de France will be maintained in France in 2016The Editors translated by Joséphine Foucher | 23/03/2016 | Travel In France (English)
The terrorist attacks in Paris : a general decrease of tourism in EuropeSaliha Hadj-Djilani translated by Joséphine Foucher | 14/03/2016 | Travel In France (English)
Dernière heure
OFFICE NATIONAL DU TOURISME TUNISIEN - APPEL D’OFFRES INTERNATIONAL N°20241100536 : Construction des stands de l’O.N.T.T aux salons et foires touristiques à l'Etranger pour les années 2025 2026 2027