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Massacre in Algeria: let’s not expect respite!

Declaration by Didier le Braet, from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the IFTM

After the news broke of the lunatic bearded men massacring a French hostage, travel agencies and tour operators have experienced a wave of worry from their clients. The Minister of Foreign Affairs, represented by its Crisis Director, Didier le Braet, spoke during the IFTM Top Résa.

Rédigé par Dominique Gobert translated by Joséphine Foucher le Vendredi 26 Septembre 2014

Didier le Braet, Crisis Director of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: “Our travelers must remain curious, and hungry for discovering a world that they don’t fully know. We’re not talking about halting traveling, but doing so while taking all necessary precautions.” - Photo DG
Didier le Braet, Crisis Director of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: “Our travelers must remain curious, and hungry for discovering a world that they don’t fully know. We’re not talking about halting traveling, but doing so while taking all necessary precautions.” - Photo DG
A new initiative of the Seto is organizing for the Top Résa trade fair, Exchange Forums, that contend with important topic relevant to the profession.

Perfect timing, this Thursday’s forum addressed the management of security and sanitary risks.

So it was the Crisis Director of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs who spoke to appease and inform people in order to avoid a wave of cancellations that will most likely take place.

The assassination of Hervé Gourdel has shocked French people, because through the murder of this man, it is all of France that was decapitated!

“Terrorism isn’t a new phenomenon, we have to learn to live with it!” Such were the first words of Didier le Braet, who wanted to prevent a whirlwind of panic from French tourists, and wished to set minds to rest.

There is no need to stop traveling

He explains that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has to duty to inform, and communicate. And can, of course, act in the case of a serious crisis.

It is never the Minister’s intention to prohibit anyone from going to any destination. Even if it can be dangerous or involve some risks…

However, and that is the Ministry’s primary recommendation, it is important to get informed, to check the bulletins and informational pages that are updated in ‘real time’, and especially to resort to professionals when organizing a trip.

In fact, the Ministry has just published a new map of “at risk” countries, that for now includes around thirty countries and should reach forty in a few hours.

Because, as Didier le Braet highlights, “with Daesh, we should not expect respite!”

To summarize, “no need to panic, let’s remain calm. Our travelers have to continue being curious, and hungry for discovering a world that they don’t fully know. There’s no need to stop traveling, but doing so by taking the necessary precautions.”

“We want a clear message from our leaders”

To prove his point, the Ministry’s Director specifies that Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, and even more, Turkey are perfectly safe destinations to visit.

But by taking some common-sense measures and following the Ministry’s directives.

Of course, professionals represented by René-Marc Chickli (Seto) and Jean-Pierre Mas (Snay) remain very attentive to the declarations of the Ministry.

“Yesterday, Wednesday, (when Hervé Gourdel’s execution was announced) admits the president of SETO, our clients were completely panicked.

We need a clear message from our leaders, because there will obviously be damages and we need to stop the chaos. However, it is perfectly safe to go to Alger for the Book Festival going on right now.”

Jean-Pierre Mas had similar words and said that members of the union already experienced “an important decrease of reservations to Morocco, Tunisia, or Turkey!”

Concerning the Ariane platform, the Ministry is working on a project that would allow tourists to be able to automatically sign up via the GDS, while still having the choice of using it or not.

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