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Marmara is getting a makeover and hosts an event with youtubers

300 people gathered on a barge, May 3rd

Determined to rejuvenate its image and attract new clients to its clubs, Marmara is surfing the wave of youtubers, these mini-stars of the web who attract on their own thousands of fans thanks to their videos. on Sunday May 3rd, 2015, the brand organized, in Paris, a meet-up between two female youtube stars, and their communities.

Rédigé par Mathilde Khlat translated by Joséphine Foucher le Mercredi 13 Mai 2015

Sananas (on the right) is one of the most influential fashion and beauty youtuber in France. Djulicious (on the left) focuses on cosmetics. ©TUI France
Sananas (on the right) is one of the most influential fashion and beauty youtuber in France. Djulicious (on the left) focuses on cosmetics. ©TUI France
Founded in 1965, the French travel company will not let itself be surpassed.

To make its brand known to younger generations, Marmara aims at Youtube, the website for video hosting.

On Sunday May 3rd, 2015, 300 people were gathered on a barge in front of the François Mitterand library in Paris.

A wonderful context to welcome the famous youtubers, Sananas and Djulicious, along with their community of fans (see photo album.)

“There is a starification phenomenon. When they arrived, their fans were going wild,” explains Olivier Roche, e-commerce Director of TUI France, still astounded by the powerful influence of these web influencers.

The weight of their visibility is in fact impressive: the Youtube channel of Sananas counts 500,000 people, and Djulicious has 60,000.

“The first meet-up in the tourism sector”

The fans at the meet-up on Sunday May 3rd in Paris ©TUI France
The fans at the meet-up on Sunday May 3rd in Paris ©TUI France
These two young women, youtubers on fashion and beauty, had invited their community to come spend an afternoon on the barge with them.

At the head of this encounter, Marmara.

In the jargon of the web, we call this type of event a meet-up.

It’s a moment of social networking, centered around one or various shared common interests.

Here, it was the intention of gathering potential clients for the travel brand and give them a taste of the Marmara experience.

On the agenda of this afternoon, a question/answer session with the youtubers, photo shoots, tattoo and makeup stands.

And also a demonstration of the village’s new dance by the Collectif Métissé.

Do the buzz on social networks

Click to enlarge - Assessment of the meet-up on social networks ©TUI France
Click to enlarge - Assessment of the meet-up on social networks ©TUI France
After having made the Marmara Madina of Marrakech known to these two stars of the web, the travel company wanted to take it further.

“They had made 14 videos, that cumulated 1 million views.

This type of campaign adds to the brand’s popularity. We wanted to create another operation to make a buzz,”
explains Olivier Roche.

One of the photos posted during the meet-up (a selfie) has generated more than 18,000 likes on Instagram.

And the assessment on the social networks (see above) is positive, especially thanks to the creation of a hashtag specific for the event: #DJUNANAS.

Identifying new youtubers

The Marmara team ©TUI France
The Marmara team ©TUI France
“We want to touch people who use new modes of media,” adds the e-commerce Director.

Why choose youtubers specialized in beauty and not travel? “Because these communities are our next clients,” responds Olivier Roche, naturally.

The community managers, Matt and Lolita, keep on identifying new communities on Youtube.

“We’re getting closer to the comedy group, Woop, for instance.

We deprive ourselves of nothing, as long as it works,”
concludes the creative e-commerce director.

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