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Paris and London are back at the battle over numbers

More than 19 million international visitors in Paris Ile-de-France

The CRT Paris Ile-de-France wished to clarify its numbers of visitors to Paris Ile de France after the debate launched with London to determine which of the two cities is the most visited destination in the world.

Rédigé par The Editors translated by Joséphine Foucher le Vendredi 5 Juin 2015

L'emblématique tour Eiffel /crédit Depositphoto
L'emblématique tour Eiffel /crédit Depositphoto
Paris and London are back at the battle over numbers.

The two cities had done the same in January 2014… They’re getting back on the ring again for a new battle over numbers.

London that published its statistics on the number of visitors in 2014 declared more than 17.4 million international visitors, a new record.

The CRT Paris Ile-de-France even bothered to write a press release entitled: “No more confusion” in order to bring some clarifications “on the debates with London, that are getting broad coverage by the French media, over determining which is the most visited destination in the world.”

The release states that “Yes, Paris Ile-de-France welcomes more international tourists with 19.2 million international tourists in 2014.”

It also notes that Paris IDF receives more Chinese visitors: 613,000 versus 99,000 for London.

François Navarro, Executive Director of CRT Paris Ile-de-France declared: “Our Londonien friends probably protested. Yet the numbers speak for themselves and place Paris Ile-de-France far ahead.

The competition between our two amicable destinations should not give way to an unfounded media intoxication. London and Paris have wonderful advantages and it is in their best interest to join forces in order to take on, together, the conquest of faraway and emerging markets.”

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